discretized_misfit: calculate a misfit discretized to patches of the topography

discretized_misfit(model_grid, data_grid, name, misfit_field, field_1, field_2, field_1_percentile_edges, field_2_percentile_edges)[source]

Calculate a discretized misfit on a Landlab grid field.

The following Binder notebook shows example usage of this umami calculation.


The discretized_misfit calculation first classifies each grid cell in the landscape into categories based on field_1, field_2 and the percentile edges for each (using the data grid). This results in a set of categories, which may or may not be congiguous in space. This category field is then stored as a property of the Residual called Residual.category.

For each category, the sum of squared residuals is calculated based on the misfit_field.

Since this calculation returns one value for each category, rather than one value in total, a name must be provided. This is a string that will be formatted with the values for {field_1_level} and {field_2_level}. The output is an ordered dictionary with name as the keys, and the sum of squares misfit as the values.

For example, if field_1 was the drainage_area and field_2 was topographic__elevation, and the parameter name was da_{field_1_level}_z_{field_2_level}, then the following four categories would be identified:




Cells with the lower half of drainage area, and then within those cells, the lowest half of elevation


Cells with the lower half of drainage area, and then within those cells, the higher half of elevation


Cells with the higher half of drainage area, and then within those cells, the lowest half of elevation


Cells with the higher half of drainage area, and then within those cells, the higher half of elevation

Within each of these four categories, the sum of squared residuals on the misfit_field is calculated and returned.

  • model_grid (Landlab model grid) –

  • data_grid (Landlab model grid) –

  • name (str) –

  • misfit_field (str) – An at-node Landlab grid field that is present on the model grid.

  • field_1 (str) – An at-node Landlab grid field that is present on the model grid.

  • field_2 (str) – An at-node Landlab grid field that is present on the model grid.

  • field_1_percentile_edges (list) – A list of percentile edges applied to field_1. For example, [0, 60, 100] specifies splitting field_1 into two parts, separated at the 60th percentile.

  • field_2_percentile_edges (list) – A list of percentile edges applied to field_2. For example, [0, 60, 100] specifies splitting field_2 into two parts, separated at the 60th percentile.


Return type



First an example that only uses the discretized_misfit function.

>>> import numpy as np
>>> from landlab import RasterModelGrid
>>> from landlab.components import FlowAccumulator
>>> from umami.calculations import discretized_misfit
>>> np.random.seed(42)
>>> model = RasterModelGrid((50, 50))
>>> z_model = model.add_zeros("node", "topographic__elevation")
>>> z_model += model.x_of_node + model.y_of_node
>>> data = RasterModelGrid((50, 50))
>>> z_data = data.add_zeros("node", "topographic__elevation")
>>> z_data +=  data.x_of_node + data.y_of_node
>>> z_data[data.core_nodes] += np.random.random(data.core_nodes.shape)
>>> data_fa = FlowAccumulator(data)
>>> data_fa.run_one_step()
>>> model_fa = FlowAccumulator(model)
>>> model_fa.run_one_step()
>>> cat, out = discretized_misfit(
...     model,
...     data,
...     "da_{field_1_level}_z_{field_2_level}",
...     "topographic__elevation",
...     "drainage_area",
...     "topographic__elevation",
...     [0, 50, 100],
...     [0, 30, 60, 100])
>>> for key, value in out.items():
...     print(key, np.round(value, decimals=3))
da_0_z_0 0.713
da_0_z_1 0.711
da_0_z_2 0.712
da_1_z_0 0.414
da_1_z_1 0.441
da_1_z_2 0.432
>>> cat[:5]
array([0, 0, 0, 0, 0])

Next, the same calculations are shown as part of an umami Residual.

>>> from io import StringIO
>>> from umami import Residual
>>> file_like=StringIO('''
... dm:
...     _func: discretized_misfit
...     name: da_{field_1_level}_z_{field_2_level}
...     misfit_field: topographic__elevation
...     field_1: drainage_area
...     field_2: topographic__elevation
...     field_1_percentile_edges:
...         - 0
...         - 50
...         - 100
...     field_2_percentile_edges:
...         - 0
...         - 30
...         - 60
...         - 100
... ''')
>>> residual = Residual(model, data)
>>> residual.add_from_file(file_like)
>>> residual.names
['da_0_z_0', 'da_0_z_1', 'da_0_z_2', 'da_1_z_0', 'da_1_z_1', 'da_1_z_2']
>>> residual.calculate()
>>> for key, value in zip(residual.names, residual.values):
...     print(key, np.round(value, decimals=3))
da_0_z_0 0.713
da_0_z_1 0.711
da_0_z_2 0.712
da_1_z_0 0.414
da_1_z_1 0.441
da_1_z_2 0.432
>>> residual.category[:5]
array([0, 0, 0, 0, 0])